Call for Papers

Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished work in the areas of relevant interest including, but not limited to, the following thematic spectrum of the ICSEC 2021 may be submitted for possible presentation.

o  Fundamentals & Applied Chemical Reaction Engineering

o Chemical Reactor Design and industrial Practice of Chemical Reactor Engineering

o  Fundamentals of Catalysts and Applied Catalysis

o Modeling & Simulation for Biofuel Production                         

o  Photocatalysis and Nano-Materials Based Catalysts for Clean Energy Production

o Energy Conversion & Waste Management

o  Energy Engineering

o Product and Process Development

o  Catalytic application for Clean Fuel Production, Combined Heat & Power via Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass/Wastes

o Advance Catalysis Approach for Biofuel Production                

o  Novel Catalysts for biodiesel production

o Advances in Catalysis for Hydrogen Production


  1. All extended abstract will be published in the conference proceeding. Please submit your extended abstract using the form
  2. ICSEC 2021 is in collaboration with the Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis journal (Scopus indexed & WOS master journal list). Authors wishing to publish in BCREC should prepare the manuscript according to format available in the download tab from the conference website.


The time for oral presentation is allocated up to 15 mins maximum. The video for oral presentation will be submitted to the secretariat to be uploaded using the YouTube channel.

A pdf file for the power point presentation should also be submitted.