by fobergfcee | Jul 18, 2019 | activities, innovation, research
Prof. Dr. Ida Idayu Muhamad from FoBERG won “Anugerah Tokoh Penyelidik 2018” at the University’s Citra Karisma (annual excellent awards ceremony) held on 17th July 2019. Prof. Ida received a trophy, certificate of appreciation and RM5000 cash for the...
by foberg | Apr 19, 2019 | activities, innovation
Prof Dr Ida Idayu Muhamad from Food and Biomaterial Engineering Research Group (FoBERG) under the Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering UTM is obliged to the fully sponsored invitation from the Ministry of Regional Municipalities & Water Resources, Oman to...
by | Apr 17, 2018 | activities, competition, innovation
4th International Biotechnology Competition and Exhibition (IBCEx 2018), was held on 13-14 April 2018 at Dewan Sultan Iskandar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. IBCEx 2018 is an innovation competition organized by Bioprocess Engineering Student Society (BIOSS),...
by abkhalil | Feb 28, 2018 | activities, innovation, students
We have finally opened our R&D Office at N05, FKT (next to Ruby Catering). Come and enjoy healthy snacks and beverages, and R&D products from us. Opens 10am to 3pm (Mon- Thu). For inquiries/ reservation please contact 012-7404740 (Diana) or 017-7646244...
by | Jan 1, 2018 | activities, community
On 28th December 2018, our members went to KOPRIS (Koperasi Pekebun Kecil Wilayah Johor Selatan Berhad) Agro Tourism Farm located in Pengkalan Batu, Mersing, Johor. We went to have a closer look at dairy cattle and shrimp farming conducted by KOPRIS. From left: Dr....