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Master of Philosophy / Doctor of Philosophy : Field of Research – Petroleum Engineering

The Programme Educational Objectives  (PEOs): 

  1. Graduates successfully incorporate the advanced knowledge of petroleum engineering , research and problem solving skills to formulation and solution of diverse petroleum engineering problems taking into account  safety, environmental, economic  and societal impacts.
  2. Graduates communicate effectively to convey and acquire technical ideas, information, and recommendations in a multi-disciplinary environment.
  3. Graduates responsibly practice professional  ethics  with appreciation for the value of continuing professional development in maintaining their professional competence.


The Programme Learning Outcomes  (POs): 

  1. Able to demonstrate continuing and advanced knowledge in petroleum engineering and have the capabilities to further develop or use these in new situations or multi-disciplinary contexts.
  2. Able to anaylse and evaluate critically problems in petroleum engineering, particulary in situations with limited information and to provide solutions through the application of appropriate tools and techniques.
  3. Able to appraise available information and research evidence and apply it in the petroleum engineering context.
  4. Able to plan and perform research undertakings professionally, ethically and responsibly.
  5. Able to report technical findings in both written and oral forms.
  6. Able to recognise the needs for continuing professional development.

Prof. Dr. Radzuan Junin
Tel: +607-553 5732