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Subject Synopsis of Nuclear Engineering Courses

SKPN 1243  Introduction to Nuclear Engineering

This course gives students a basic introduction to nuclear engineering. The course provides a broad overview of the fundamental aspects of nuclear engineering and an introductory comparative analysis of nuclear power and other energy sources. Other topics covered include atomic and nuclear physics, interactions of radiation with matter, nuclear reactors and nuclear power, neutron diffusion and moderation, nuclear reactor theory, the time-dependent reactor, heat removal from nuclear reactors, nuclear reactor materials, radiation protection, radiation shielding and reactor sources with respect to economics and environmental impacts.

SKPN 1113  Modern Physics

The course begins with a brief discussion on the nature of science in the quest of better understandings of the natural phenomena – highlighting the dilemmas and failures of classical physics in the face of some landmark experiments and discoveries, which gave the impetus to new ideas and paradigm shift into the modern physics. Finally, formalities of quantum mechanics is introduced by discussing the 1-D time independent Schrodinger equation (TISE), applied to an idealised infinite square potential well.

SKPN 2213  Nuclear Physics

The course introduces to some major concepts and theories of nuclear physics. The course begins with understanding the basic knowledge of the constituents of nucleus and the properties of nuclear forces. The next topic of the course is introducing the radiation sources and the types of ionizing radiations. Nuclear decay process and the properties of ionizing radiations will be discussed in this topic. The interactions of nuclear radiations with mater and mechanism of nuclear reaction are also covered in this subject. The next topic is providing the students knowledge with some basic concept on radioactivity including radioactive decay law, radioactive decay series and radioactive equilibriums. Some nuclear models such as liquid drop model, shell model and optical model of the nucleus will be introduced at the end of the subject. In general, the course provides a basic concept of interaction processes of nuclear radiation in order to widening the appreciation of nuclear physics to the students

SKPN 3173  Engineering Economics and Project Management

This is a two-in-one course covering both Engineering Economy and Project Management topics. Engineering economy is the application of economic factors and criteria to evaluate alternatives, considering the time value of money. The engineering economy study involves computing a specific economic measure of worth for estimated cash flows over a specific period of time. Project Management is the art of planning, scheduling, and controlling of project activities to achieve performance, cost, and time objectives, for a given scope of works, while using resources efficiently and effectively.

SKPN 3113  Nuclear Radiation Protection

Designed to ground students in the principles of radiation protection, that is, on justification, optimization and dose limits. It will emphasize on the theories, the techniques and the procedures for external dose control that is the use of distance, shielding and time; and internal dose control, including introduction to the physics of aerosol, use of unsealed sources, primary and secondary containments, radioactive laboratories and leak tests. The course will also discuss organization and radiation protection programmes; emergency procedures, monitoring, radiological protection in radiation devices, transport regulations and radioactive waste management. Upon completion, students should have an overall grasp of the radiation protection principles and practice; and most importantly the safety culture required.

SKPN 3711  Nuclear Physics Lab

Experiments of health physics and radiation safety are performed and laboratory reports are written by students. Topics of experiment include
1. Geiger Muller Tube detector,
2. Counting Statistics,
3. Linear Absorbtion Coefficient and Inverse Square Law,
4. Attenuation of betas in aluminium,
5. Gamma Spectroscopy,
6. Portable Instrumentation and Calibration,
7. Protective Clothing and Equipment for Respiratory Protection,
8. Protective Equipment, personnel monitoring devices, decontamination,
9. Area and effluent monitoring,
10. Waste management. Experiments are performed at UTM and MNA.

SKPN 3721  Nuclear Reactor Lab

Experiments on nuclear reactor engineering are perfomed and laboratory reports are prepared by the students. Topics of experiment include 1. Flux distribution in a subcriticality pile, 2. RTP reactor startup and shutdown, 3. Control rod calibration by the period method, 4. Control rod calibration by the drop method, 5. Approach to critical with a control rod, 6. Reactor power calibration, 7. Neutron startup source, 8. Reactor kinetic and delayed neutron effects, 9. TRIGA pulsing experiment, 10. Measurement of thermal diffusion length in graphite, 11. Reactor flux measurement. Experiments are performed at MNA.

SKPN 3223  Control and Instrumentation Engineering

This course introduces students some of the metrological terminologies used in experimental methods, concept of metrology and its application. The course will also provide understanding the concept of standardization as the management system of standards and quality. The measurement technique for electrical quantity and analysis of the result according to ISO Guide will be introduced as well. It will examine transducers in order to gain an awareness of what they can do. Transducer operations, characteristic and functions will be discussed.

SKPN 3253  Nuclear Safety, Regulation and Security

The first part of this course will familiarize students with the principles and methods used in the safety evaluation of nuclear power plants.  In the second part of the course, the students will be informed regarding the safety philosophies, design criteria and regulations. Then, the deterministic and probabilistic models, reliability analysis, nuclear and thermal-hydraulic transients, radiological consequences, and risk assessment will be described in details. Throughout the course, strong emphasis is placed on design-basis and severe accident analysis, role of engineered safety systems, siting, and licensing of the nuclear power plant.

SKPN 3213  Nuclear Reactor Theory

The course starts with brief discussion on neutron physics related to production, absorption and scattering of neutron, neutron cross sections and nuclear fission. The next topics will emphasize on the principle of neutron moderation and neutron multiplication leading to steady state fission reactor core design based on diffusion theory. The principle of fusion reaction and energy production from controlled thermonuclear fusion is also briefly highlighted. In general, the course provides on the general concepts of neutron physics and it application in nuclear reactor for energy generation.

SKPN 3133  Transport Process

The first part of material engineering is introductory to materials of sciences. Topics include classification of materials, atomic bonds, crystal structure, crystalline defects and solid solutions and phase diagrams. Main emphasis is on metals because metals are structurally the simplest to characterize. The second part of the course deals with mechanics of materials. Topics cover stress and deformation of members under axial loading, torsion in circular shafts, analysis and design of beams for bending, and stress transformation. Throughout the course, strong emphasis is placed on drawing a free-body diagram, selecting appropriate coordinate system using the correct sign convention

SKPN 3915  Industrial Training

Industrial Training is to provide exposure for the students on practical engineering in the workplace. The students will have the opportunity to better understand the engineering practice in general and to experience the frequent and possible problems. This training is part of the learning process. So, the exposure that uplifts the knowledge and experience of a student is to be properly documented in the form of a logbook and a technical report. Through this documents, the experience gain can be delivered to their peers when they return to the faculty to complete their study. A properly prepared report can facilitate the presentation of the practical experience in an orderly, precise and interesting manner.

SKPN 4812  Undergraduate Project I

This course is designed to train students on some important aspects of research management.  In the first part of the undergraduate research project course, the students are only required to carry out preliminary studies on the assigned chemical and gas engineering related topics but also to do research planning that will be implemented in the following semester. At the end of this course, students should be able to prepare a complete research proposal and subsequently present their proposal. In addition, students will have opportunity to gain important generic skills such as communication, team working, problem-solving and creative and critical thinking.

SKPN 4113  Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Management

The first part of the course introduces nuclear fuel cycle as the progressions of steps in utilizations of fissile materials, from the initial mining of uranium through the final disposition of the material removed from the reactor. Characteristics of nuclear of nuclear fuel cycle, front end of fuel cycle, fuel utilization, back end of fuel cycle and uranium resources will be studied. The second part of the course is nuclear waste management. Categories of nuclear waste and hazard measure of waste are discussed. Next storage and disposal of nuclear waste, waste disposal plans, and policy issues in nuclear waste disposal are discussed. Students are expected to gain adequate knowledge and understanding of nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear waste management for future undertaking.

SKPN 4123  Nuclear Reactor Material

This course will provide a valuable insight on some of the key issues facing the nuclear power generation industry. Many of these are related to the materials involved, their response to, and their reliability under, extreme conditions. The basic aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle, current and future nuclear reactor designs, and the materials problems associated with nuclear energy production. The key issues in materials failure and the requirements for efficient and safe operation of current reactor designs as well as design of novel materials for future reactors will be described. At the end of this course, the students will be familiar to the basic issues concerned with the selection of materials for various components in nuclear reactors. The effects of radiation and environment on various properties of materials in nuclear applications will be dealt with to get an appreciation of the materials’ limitations on the operation of reactors. The course is designed for those from a range of backgrounds in engineering, materials and physics.

SKPN 4133  Analytical Radiochemistry

The subject focused on the fundamentals of nuclear structure and physico-chemical properties in radioactivity and the mass-energy relationship presented in this course include binding energy, nuclear reactions – energetic of nuclear reactions, cross-section and types of reactions.  Radioactivity phenomena as explained in rates of nuclear decay, determination of half lives and growth of radioactive products are covered.  Quantitative aspect of this course will be discussed under units of radioactivity, detection of radiation and instrumentation in radiochemistry. The study of the interaction of radiation with matter. Basic principles of nuclear reactors are also presented along with applications of radionuclides in chemistry and other related areas. Some aspects of nuclear energy generation, nuclear fuel reprocessing and nuclear waste disposal will also be discussed.

SKPN 3233  Nuclear Radiation Detection and Measurement

The important detection techniques for ionizing radiations are introduced in this course. The discussion begins with introducing the principles of radiation detection related to radiation units, radiation sources and radiation interactions. Nuclear radiation detector parameters such as detector model, detector efficiency, energy resolution, counting curve and counting statistics are discussed. The next topic will emphasize on the principles of operation and basic characteristics of various detection systems. Various nuclear detectors such as gas filled detector, scintillation detector and semiconductor detector are main concerned of the subject. The course also emphasizes on the principle and operation of thermal and fast neutron detector. The principle of radiation dosimetry such as thermoluminescent dosimetry, chemical dosimetry, film dosimetry and calorimeter are also discussed at the end of the course.

SKPN 4824  Undergraduate Project II

This course is continuation of the Undergraduate Research Project I (SKN 4812). The second part of Undergraduate Research Project requires students to implement the research proposal that has been prepared in the previous semester. This might involve practical activities such as laboratory works, data collection from industry and computer programming / simulation. At the end of the course, students should be able to prepare a full report compiling the first and second part of the Undergraduate Research Project and subsequently present their research findings. Finally, students must submit a bound thesis according to the UTM thesis-writing format. In addition, students will have opportunity to gain important generic skills such as communication, team working, problem-solving and creative and critical thinking.

SKPN 4834  Nuclear Engineering System and Design

To acquaint the student with the engineering problems related to a nuclear power plant. Reactor systems and their components. Nuclear fuel materials: change of properties during operation. Cladding materials, neutron moderators, coolants, construction materials for core components and neutron absorbing materials. Pressure vessel, role, materials, influence of radiation, diagnostics during operation, testing of properties, phenomena in reactor pressure vessel. Heat generation source distribution and dynamics. Heat transfer and removal. One-channel analysis. Temperature distribution in the reactor. Hot channel and hot spot in multichannel analysis. One and two-phase cooling. Boiling crisis. Stationary core cooling. Non-stationary phenomena. Types of nuclear reactors. Classification of nuclear reactors. Components of a nuclear power plant. Primary circuit, instrumentation. Heat exchangers, pressurizes, secondary circuits, turbines and capacitors. Auxiliary components. Power and temperature coefficients of reactivity. Power reactor operation. Limits and conditions for safe operation. Commissioning. Startup.

SKPN 4611  Nuclear Engineering Professional Practice

This course introduces students to nuclear engineering ethics and an engineer’s responsibilities towards safety, health and welfare of the public. It places emphasis on the engineer as a professional man, engineers & society, code of ethics and professional conduct, standards, laws and regulations pertaining to professional engineering practice.  At the end of the course, students will have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility and be able to demonstrate and apply engineering professional ethics in their career as an engineer.