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Subject Synopsis

SKKB 1111  Seminar

This course introduces students to the chemical/bioproces engineering working environment through seminars from respective personnel and industrial visit to various chemical plants in Malaysia. Assignments and group-based project will be given.


SKKB 1123  Statics & Strength of Material/Biomaterial

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic principles and concepts in mechanics. The content will be divided to two parts which are i) statics and ii) strength of material/biomaterial. The first part will deal with the resultant and resolution of force(s) acting on a particle, the equilibrium of a particle, the effect of force(s) on a rigid bodies, how to replace a force system with equivalent system and the equilibrium of rigid bodies. At the end of the course, students should be able to demonstrate and apply the knowledge by solving various problems in Statics. The second part will focus on the types of material/biomaterial (introduction, overview) and will follow with few elements that are important in understanding the material/biomaterial (atomic bonding, structures, strength analysis etc.). At the end of this part, should be able to relate material/biomaterial and its characteristics in order to choose the right material for different application especially in medical devices etc.


SKKB 1133 Industrial Microbiology

The course aims to provide a strong background of various types of microorganisms to the engineering students. Topics include microbe diversity; metabolism type-based classification; factors that determine the growth and their control techniques; microbial ecology, fundamental of immunology; and biotechnological aspects of microbe.


SKKK 1021 Engineering Drawing

Computer Aided Drawing Computer Aided Command, , Geometry, Orthographic Drawing, Isometric Drawing, Sectional Drawing, Flowchart Drawing.


SKKK 1023 Introduction to Engineering

Overview of engineering, the profession and its requirements in the Malaysian scenario. Communication (oral and written) and teamwork skills. Mind mapping, learning styles and time management. Basic calculations and unit conversions. Create an engineering graph and solving iterative problems using computer. Ethics. Seminar. Plant visits.  This course employs Cooperative Learning and grooms students with skills for Problem-based Learning.


SKKK 1113 Chemical Process I

Introduction to chemical engineering and chemical processes, process and process variables, material balance strategy, degree of freedom analysis, material balance with reactions, material balance with recycle, single-phase and multiphase systems. Introduction to energy balance.


SKKB 3213 Biochemistry

This course is designed to give an overall outlook on basic chemistry of major biomolecules and their roles in biological systems. Topics include introducing the structure, properties, and functionalities of major biomolecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids; roles of lipids in membrane; Michaelis-menten enzyme kinetics, major catabolism pathways such as glycolysis, and TCA cycle; electron transport system and oxidative phosphorylation; structure and functions of DNA and RNA.


SKKK 2123 Chemical Process II

Energy balance on non-reactive systems, balance on reactive systems, material and energy balances on transient processes. entropy, Power and refrigeration cycles


SKKK 2711 Thermodynamics and Materials Engineering Laboratory

Experiments performed in this laboratory include boiler tests, diesel engine performance test, equilibrium test, energy (heat engine), tensile test, metal metalography, determination of Young modulus, air compressor, cooling system, torsion testing, stress and strain analysis.


SKKK 2133 Chemical Engineering Computation

This course introduces students to some numerical techniques in solving chemical engineering problems that could not be solved analytically. Students will be exposed to the numerical solution for root of equation, simultaneous algebraic equation, curve fitting, ordinary differential equations, numerical differentiation and integration problems. MATLAB programming language will be implemented with the intention of illustrating the nuance of the methods, and showing more realistically how the methods are applied for problem solving.


SKKK 2213 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Volumetric properties of pure liquid, heat effects, thermodynamics properties of fluids, properties relationship for homogeneous mixture, phase equilibrium and chemical reaction equilibrium.


SKKK 2313 Transport Processes

Fundamentals of mass transfer, rate equation for molecular diffusion, mass transfer at boundary layer, mass transfer between phases, mass transfer rate at simple surface geometry, simultaneous mass transfer and chemical reaction. Also included is heat transfer theory, conduction, steady state conduction in two dimensions, steady state conduction with convection to environment, unsteady-state conduction, convection, radiation heat transfer, heat exchanger design.


SKKB 2213 Molecular Biology AND Genetic Engineering

The course introduces to students on fundamental aspects of molecular biology and gene manipulation. Discussion will emphasize on synthesis, organization, replication of DNA and RNA both eukaryote and prokaryote systems; roles of RNA in translation and transcription; regulation in gene transcription; protein synthesis and post-translational modification; recombinant technology (e.g. gene transfer and splicing techniques, genomic library development).

SKKK 4173 Engineering Economics and Project Management

The engineering economy study involves computing a specific economic measure of worth for estimated cash flows over a specific period of time. Project Management is the art of planning, scheduling, and controlling of project activities to achieve performance, cost, and time objectives, for a given scope of works, while using resources efficiently and effectively.

SKKB  3113 Bioreactor Analysis and Design

The aim of the course is to analyze the bioreactor functions so that the intended fermentation performance can be achieved.  It will emphasize on mass balances on growth and product formation, kinetics of three main operation modes, oxygen transfer in aerobic cultures, heat sources and their management, power consumption, rheological effect on mixing, scaling up, the architecture and functional parts of bioreactor, and instrumentation and control.



SKKB 3121 Bioprocess Eng Lab I

This laboratory course is designed to expose students to basics microbiology, biochemistry and genetic engineering techniques. The experiment will expose students to handling bacterial culture, analysis of biomolecule such as enzyme and carbohydrate


SKKB 3213 Bioseparation

The aim of the course is to provide an overview of the various downstream processes involved in the production of bioproducts such as food, beverages, antibiotics, antiferons, vitamins, insulins, citric acid and others. The unique nature of biomolecules make their separation processes different from conventional chemical processes. In addition, the application of mass transfer, mass balances, and thermodynamics principles are combined with life sciences so as to develop, impart and vary the biotechnology purification techniques. The various bioseparation techniques include centrifugation, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, adsorption, chromatography, electrophoresis, and many more.


SKKB 3212 Bioprocess Eng Lab II

In this laboratory, students are given opportunity to gain experience in bioreactor and downstream processes (bioseparation). This laboratory work will assist the students to consolidate their fundamental understanding involved in fermentation and downstream processes of bioproducts. The experiments performed are fermentation in shake flask and 2 L bioreactor, cell immobilization, microfiltration, cell homogenization, protein precipitation and a final project.


SKKK 3144 Process Control and Instrumentation

This subject covers chemical process control, static and dynamic process behaviour, mathematical modelling, analysis of dynamic chemical process behaviour, analysis and design of feedback control systems, analysis and design of complex control systems.

SKKK 3223 Chemical Reaction Engineering

Topics in this course are: introduction to homogeneous reaction kinetic, batch reactor data analysis, introduction to reactor design, single reactor design, reactor design for single reaction and multiple reactor, temperature and pressure effect, nonideal flow, introduction to heterogeneous reaction system design, types of reactor test, catalytic reaction.


SKKK 3323 Separation Processes I

Introduction to unit operations in chemical engineering: evaporation, liquid-liquid separation, liquid vapour separation, liquid-liquid extraction and leaching.

SKKK 3413 Environmental Engineering  and Sustainability

Introduction to pollution control includes: water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and environmental acts and techniques to reduce pollutants.


SKKK 3721 Pollution Control and Reaction Laboratory

Experiments performed in this laboratory are: acidity and alkalinity, biological oxygen demand (BOD), coagulation and flocculation, ambient air quality monitoring, the use of direct spectrophotometer, conductivity measurement, sludge index, water sampling. To test the saponification reaction, iodine reaction, esterification reaction, continuous stirred tank reactor and biodiesel production


SKKK 3731 Separation Processes Laboratory I

Evaporation operation, distillation operation, gas-liquid absorption operation, drying operation, liquid physical and chemical properties identification and heat transfer.


SKKB 3212  Undergraduate Project I

A first stage of the Undergraduate Project which involve in preliminary studies and planning on how to carry out the study given to the student.  The works include literature review, problem and scope identification, objective and method determination.

SKKB 3915 Industrial Training

A 10-week training in industry. The main rational of introducing the programme is to provide UTM students with exposure to practical aspects of industry and their work practices. During the programme, the students will have the opportunity to relate their theoretical understanding to the real application in industry and to develop skills in work ethics, management, communication and human relations.


SKKK 4153 Plant Design

Introduction to process plant synthesis where design of each individual unit operation are combined with the objective of optimising the raw material and energy use for processing, cost factor and economics, environmental and also safety factor.  Selection of reactor design, selection of separator design, reaction-separation system synthesis and also heat exchanger network synthesis, process safety, waste minimisation.

SKKK 4163 Safety in Process Plant Design  

Main danger and act, introduction to relief, occupational safety and health, danger identification, risk analysis, accident inspection.


SKKK 4761 Process Control Laboratory

Experiments performed in this laboratory include: PLC, introduction to transducers and instrumentation, control of a heat exchanger, liquid level control, analysis of dynamic response, and controller tuning.


SKKB 4114 Undergraduate Project II

Students are required to do research project where they are required to collect data from the apparatus in laboratory and pilot plant under the supervisor of a lecturer. The use of computer is also emphasised. Students are required to submit a report at the seminar at the end of the project.


SKKB 4824 Plant Design Project

Students are divided into groups. Each group will be given a design topic and will be under the supervision of a lecturer. The design project involves process selection, building the process flow diagram (PFD), material and energy balances, detailed equipment design, equipment selection and material of construction, equipment control, operational instruction, economics and costing.

Synopses of Bioprocess Engineering Elective Courses


SKKB 4813 Food Process Engineering

This course introduces students to some major principles, concepts and applications in handling, processing and packaging of foods including the design of process equipment. The course will also provide practice in case studies, carrying out an industrial visit project to observe the application of knowledge in food industries and setting informative research on the business planning of selective food processing operations.



SKKB 4823 Biotechnology

This course introduces students to biotechnology field current trends in analytical tools, emerging technologies in many related biological based researches. The course will expose students to experience biotechnology through activities such as presentations, industrial trips and related seminar. At the end of the course, students should be able to appreciate biotechnological knowledge and build up awareness of ethics and responsibility in biotechnology field.


SKKB 4833 Artificial Intelligence

This introduction course of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will explain the meaning of AI and elaborate the most popular and frequently used Artificial Intelligence technologies.  Application of AI technologies in chemical and bioprocess field will be explored.  This course will also introduce a simple programming of AI using MATLAB. This course employs Cooperative Learning and self directed learning.


SKKB 4843 Environmental Biotechnology

This course describes the diverse problems of the environment and the approaches toward their solution or mitigation in connection to the modern or classical methods of biotechnology. It describes the significance in conservation of environmental resources and biodiversity, provision for alternate sources of energy, biological control of pests and pathogens, purification of environment, mitigation of problems of chemical fertilizers, and most important of all, improvement in the quality of life.

Note: For Chemical specialized elective subjects, please refer to Chemical Engineering (subject synopses).